Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Another day at the office?

I hear that phrase all to often... Another day at the office. Sounds depressing, huh? It's crazy, but I love my job! I don't mean I really like working here, I mean I LOVE MY JOB! Sure there are days when I wake up, and I sigh at the challenges ahead of me, but as a general statement, I LOVE my job.

looking back, it wasn't always like that. I have done everything from working at Macdonald's, to selling luggage, land, furniture... I have even owned my own business. Trust me, I haven't always LOVED my job. I remember waking up and thinking to myself: "if I don't work today, we can't eat!" Along with so many other things to fill in the blank spot of "we can't (insert verb here) today!" Yeah, I must say that it was those times that I would be doing my job while simultaneously thinking to myself, "This sucks!"

So now, a different story. At 23 years old, I have my dream job. I play music, lead a band, and join with hundreds a week singing to an audience of one. Additionally, I get paid to make cool videos, creatively think about and give input on services, events, sermons, and a host of other things. I get to travel, and share my music with others. I work with the greatest, most talented staff on the planet. A group of visionaries and pioneers (in this area anyways) who refuse to take no for an answer. We fight like brothers, (and sisters) and sometimes, it even gets personal. Crazy huh? Does it sound like somewhere you would like to be? Chances are not. If your reading this right now, and haven't tuned out yet, you may be thinking to yourself: "his job doesn't sound that great!" But it is. It's what I am wired for. I love intensity. I love being told when I can do better. I love trying to do things with the highest of excellence, even when I have so much to learn. I was inspired one time when I listen to a message from Louie Giglio entitled "Passion, purpose, and designer jeans." It was amazing. What he said was brilliant. His main point was that whatever you do; sell things, make jeans, make music, whatever... Do it ALL for the glory of God. In fact here is exactly where he got that from in the Bible. Colossians 3:17- "everything that you say or do should be done to obey Jesus your Lord. And in all you do, give thanks to God the father through Jesus." (NCV)

That's pretty powerful. So Here's the deal. I said a lot to say this one thing: Be passionate about what you do. Don't half way do it. The people around you might want to injure you very badly if you constantly have a halfway attitude. I love my job. Do you? If not, what's stopping you from doing the thing that God has called you to do?




fowler said...

your blog is very encouraging, babe!

Unknown said...

Very encouraging. I LOVE my job as well. I struggled in my past job to love it as much as I wanted to. I really loved working with students, but I didn't like the rest. I thank God for the opportunity to do what I do now.

Anonymous said...

Hey Buddy!! I heard it said...find something that you love to do and you will never work a day in your life! Whatever we do, if we do it as His ambassador, and for His glory, it will not be a burden to us. Love you brother.....Rick